Saturday, June 11, 2005


Wow, that almost looks like a "kiss" word. When my youngest son was very young, he would call a curse word a "kiss" word. He was so funny. He is 18 almost 19 now. The other day hubby and I were at Toys R Us and we picked him up a Darth Tater. Have you seen these? They look like this:

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Isn't' he cute? My son totally loved it. He is one of those big Star Wars nerds. And speaking of which, hubby and I finally saw it last night. All the way home I kept driving him crazy talking like Yoda in his all backwards language. I thought the movie was good but pretty dark. I am hoping that parents were not mislead and took their small children to see it, because it was a little too dark for most small children. I thought it was good, but not the best of the Star Wars series, although it did answer a lot of questions. It made me think back to when I was 13 and I went with a bunch of friends to see the first one. I guess I was more into fantasy back then, because today, I am not into that sci-fi stuff anymore. I like more realistic type fiction. Dramas, stuff like that. Not with me the force is (that's Yoda speak).

I am hoping I get my daughter back today. She has spent the last two nights with her best friend. Today they are having her friend's Birthday/Pool party. It's raining. Doesn't that just figure? Actually we are getting some tropical storm action here this weekend, so it will be raining both days. Lovely! Next weekend I am going to be doing a multifamily yardsale thingy at a friend's house. This will be a great weekend to gather things to put in the sale. Hopefully I can rake in a few extra dollars for doing some fun things for the rest of the summer before I head back to work this fall. On the job front, nothing yet though. I did run into a friend of mine who works for the school system where I applied and gave me some info to use for my interview (she knew I was getting an interview, maybe next week). So, we shall see. I didn't hear anything from the temp job yet. Looking for a job totally sucks. Don't worry, it won't be long before I am complaining about working. ha!

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