Monday, June 06, 2005

Freaky Monday

Now, I know it's supposed to be Freaky Friday, but for me, it was just a freaky busy Monday. Little Miss Sunshine (daughter) had her first day of band camp today. They split it up so they got like an hour and a half lunch, so there was much running around involved. During her lunch break, it stormed like a you-know-what (ummmm you do know..right?). When the high winds and tornadic activity ended, I ran my resume 3 miles up the street to a Real Estate office that needs a part-time book keeper and accounting person, (ME!), and on the way back home I ran over this huge ass snake that was slithering accross a two lane road (did I mention this real estate office is only 3 miles up the road...wouldn't that be perfect? Please cross your fingers on this one). Anyways, I saw this snake slithering accross the road and I really did not want to run over it, but I could not avoid it since another car was coming in the oncoming lane, and I could not throw on my brakes because there was a car right on my butt. This snake was so large, it could literally stretch out accross both lanes. It made that sickening *thump-thump* sound...*shudder*. Truely creepy and horrible both at the same time. When I came home and told Sunshine about it, she insisted we drive back by it so she could identify it (she is an animal nerd). Eerily it was not there. I ran over it hard, and the car behind me ran over it also. UGH!!!!

After her band practice, she had her first session of Jazz dance class. No, I am not one of those mothers that sign their kid up for everything and keep them so busy they can hardly think, this was just total coincidence. Anyways, she enjoyed her dance class although I think her heart is set on modeling. Now, I am not saying this because she is my child, I am saying this because I can see it. She would make an awesome model. She is 5'6" tall (she is only 12), and weighs about 97 lbs. Of that 5'6" of her, about 3 1/2 feet of her is legs. When she stands, she just has this says "Model". She is also naturally dark blonde with natural sun bleached streaks (grrrr...why couldn't that be me?), grey eyes, a perfect nose, and my cherokee inherited cheekbones. It's just not fair! Also, the girl does not have a single blemish anywhere. She could do it. I promised her after she finished these dance sessions, we would look at the one and only modeling school in town where the would train her to walk the local mall catwalk. I hope that would make her happy.
I, on the otherhand, do not seem to make her happy. On our way home this evening, her best friend called and asked her to meet them (her and some boys) at the local burger joint. Okay, let's tally this up. Last week I spent 80 bucks on bandcamp, 45 bucks to rent her trumpet for 2 months, 35 bucks to sign her up for dance, 57 bucks for the summer sessions, 50 bucks to take her and her pals out to dinner on Saturday night, 20 bucks for her to hang out at the mall yesturday, and now she wants more money to go to the local burger joint with her peeps. We only have one person working in this house. Tonight we had a long conversation about earning money to do chores (allowance), how much she would get, and how that would have to last her the week, and when it was gone, it was gone. She needs to start choosing her activities more carefully. KIDS! She ended up crying for about an hour after she learned the gig was up, and repeated told me how left out she felt because they were having fun without her. Booo hooooo.

Oh yeah, and to add to my freaky day (running over snake), The Ring is on ABC. Which we all keep saying is totally weird. I am expecting bad dreams tonight.

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