Monday, April 25, 2005

Workout Log - Monday, April 25

Today was pretty much cardio only. Did one hour very hard on the elliptical machine. Varied resistance and incline (sometimes doing highest of both). This was the equivalent of 5.35 miles and according to the machine, I burned 632 calories, but according to my heart rate monitor, I burned 314 calories. As much as I would LOVE to believe the elliptical machine, I will have to go with the heart rate monitor...sad huh? After cardio did some ab work on two different ab machines. I am seeing what I would call a two pack starting to emerge (as opposed to a Tu Pac...hahahah...sorry, I just could not resist that). Anyways, I see two little muscles in my upper abs starting to form which is pretty exciting. Must keep up the hard work! I have events at two different schools today, and afterwards, my daughter wants to go walking. Plan to get in at least a half hour walk today also.

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