Tuesday, April 12, 2005


Back from the school and I have a little sniffle bug with me. Fortunately she is not running a fever, but there was a whole line of kids waiting to be picked up with the same thing - sinus ick. It did rain quite a bit last night which is a good thing because it will push the pollen out. We are supposed to have more rain tonight and tomorrow so hopefully that will take care of the problem. All my years of living down here, I have never seen the pollen this bad.

Today is a gray sorta icky day, so it is a good day to just stay home. I did not go to the gym today. I needed a day of rest. I am pretty sore from yesturday's workout, and you do need to give your muscles a rest so they can heal. That's my story and I am sticking to it. Instead, I am sitting here with a big ole mug of coffee that I made from coffee beans that are flavored with Kahluha and Vanilla. YUM! Oh, and of course I flavored it with low carb french vanilla creamer. MMMMM!!!!! So, that's the kind of day it is here at our casa. I will get my lazy bum in gear and get some laundry done and iron some clothes for the Big Norwegian and myself. The least I can do is my wifely duties and make my hubby look good. We pulled the summer clothes out of the attic and I am in the process of packing up all the sweaters and winter items to head back up and take their place. The fun just never ends around here. There is always something to do.

website of the day: http://www.pagesixsixsix.blogspot.com

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