Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Gym Log - Boring stuff for my record

Gym log for today:

Felt very tired to start off. Did 5 mins on the treadmill to warm up. Had a very intense weight workout. Did the ActivTrax workout that was assigned for today, then kicked it up a notch by adding some extra leg and back exercises. Added extra weights to arms also. After weights (1 hour) I got on the elliptical. Seems my 2 favorite ones are broken :0(. Had to use the ones by the tv's until one of the models I like became available. Stayed on the elliptical I do not like for 15 mins, then went and did some more bicep and back work, then went back to the elliptical for another 10 mins at high resistance, medium incline (sort of a little circuit training going on here). Total work out time today was a little more than an hour and a half. 3 lbs down without changing my diet (still a size 10 *sigh*). I would like to lose 10 more then I will back to where I want to be. That should put me in a comfortable size 8 maybe even a 6. Depends on how much toning I get in. I am willing to work hard, and eat a little more clean to get to where I need to be. I still have to have my mexican food though. I refuse to give that up.

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