Wednesday, May 11, 2005


Did not make it to the gym today due to having 2 sick kids at home. I did take a brisk 30 minute walk though. Most of the day was spent running kids back and forth to doctors or getting prescriptions filled, etc. FUN! One has a sinus infection and the other one has an ear infection. Aren't you just envious of my fun day? Well...I will at least log my food for the day:

Breakfast: Oatmeal with raisins and splenda

Snack: Handfull of mixed nuts

Lunch: Peanut butter and apple jelly sandwich on 2 slices of whole wheat bread toasted.

Snack: 5 cubes of cheddar cheese

Cheat: 1 pkg of Peanut M&M's

Dinner: 1 slice of pizza and a frozen yogurt at Costco

Total calories per 1585 calories with a shocking 167 carbs! Yikes! I am trying to stay in the 1300-1350 calorie range and I totally blew that. If it were not for those dang Peanut M&M's I would have been there. Grrrrr!!!!! I will do better tomorrow. :0)

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