Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Need a favor

I need a favor please. Small one. Actually big one. Could you all just cross your fingers ane hope my son graduates next Tuesday? You see, it seems the child I was just bragging about earler, has had a raging case of senioritus and goofed off the last few weeks of his required science class, and is now on the border of failing. This is the kid that is smart, but more looking forward to the new Star Wars movie. I am ready to choke him. I have been keeping in close contact with his teacher, so, it's not like I do not care, but I have been monotoring. She assured me on the last field trip I went on with his class he was doing much better. However, he calls me with from his cell phone after school today to announce that there might be a small problem and if I could check his last quarter's report card so he could do some math in his head. I am ready to clobber him.

I got my fingers crossed.

Please do the same....please?

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