Friday, May 06, 2005


Today is Friday! YAY! I am not sure why I am saying that since I don't work. I guess I am happy my wonderful family will be with me the next couple of days. Maybe that is why I am saying YAY! We had a great Cinco de Mayo although I ate too much mexican food last night and my poor tummy was sorta upset. Today I finally went to the doctor for this horrendous sinus infection. I have been feeling crummy off and on and running fevers off and on, but this morning I woke up and decided I had had enough. I called the doc and luckily they got me in an hour after I called them. I am back on Cipro (anthrax can't touch me), and this awful, horrible tasting liquid called Histex HC. A little while ago I took my first dose. I thought it would taste good like this stuff my hubby takes when he is congested, and boy did I get a shock. For a minute I thought I might had accidently swallowed battery acid. I totally did not expect the foul tasting liquid that is suppose to help cure me, but blech! It's only redeeming quality is that it is laden with codiene, which means I will begin feeling loopy and sleepy very soon. Yipee!

I did go out and try to get some Mother's Day shopping done, but I was pretty unsuccessful. I wasn't in the mood really. I wandered around aimlessly looking and stuff and finally just gave up. I really need to get with it, because I have 3 people to buy for. My stepmom, my stepgrandma, and my ex-mother in law. I thought about just getting my ex-mother in law a card since she only lives 2 miles for me and only sees my boys maybe 2 times a year (some grandma huh?), but I am a better person than that, and I will get her an actual gift from the boys and have my younger son take it over to her (that's the first time a year she sees them and then again at Christmas - it's sad really). I have not spoken to my mother in about 3 years, since my last trip to Oklahoma and she really showed her butt. Story about my mother. My mother had me when she was 20 years old. My father was working 2 jobs to support her and his precious new baby girl (me), and after I was born, sometime while my father was at one of his jobs. She went bonkers and left. She left me alone by myself. I think I was like 9 months old or something. Luckily my aunt came over and heard me crying and got in the house to get me and take me to her house. Meanwhile, my mother did not come back for days. Needless to say, my parents split up because my mother decided not only did she not want to be married, but she did not want a baby anymore either. Nice huh?

Well, my father ended up getting custody of me (Thank You God!), and I never saw my mother again until I was 19. I have never felt close to her, and I have tried to be friends with her, but I just can't get over how she did me when I was only a small innocent baby. I have 4 half brothers and sisters (all by different men), and they did not have wonderful childhoods by any means, and this makes me angry that a woman that should not have had children, kept having them and leaving them all and emotionally scaring them forever. I am sorry, I have tried every way I can to forgive this woman, but I can't. I am over the angry feelings about it, but I just cannot deal with her. To make matters worse, after my father passed away, she tried to make him out to be the bad guy, where in my eyes my father was a saint. How many men in the 60's would have taken it upon themselves to raise a baby girl on their own? Luckily, family on both sides have told me that my father took custody of me to get me out of a bad situation and for that I am thankful. So, this sums up Mother's Day for me, because I really do not have a mother. My stepmother is the closest thing I have to a mother, and she is more like a sister. So to those of you that have real mothers in your lives, hold them near and dear to you. Give them huge hugs and tell them how much you appreciate them. You are blessed.

Now, the loopy is setting in.


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