Friday, July 15, 2005


I's supposed to be TGIF, but in this case, it's Thank God My Mother In Law is Going Home! Today was the icing on the cake.

Breakfast Me:

Small container (1 serving size) of Light N Lively Cottage Cheese
eat in my dress clothes and pray I don't spill it on myself, I eat as I stand up

Breakfast Her:

1 Bowl of Cheerios
sliced banana on Cheerios (she even has a desired thickness for this slicing process...argh!)
small glass orange juice (no pulp please)
1 cup of tea with a side of milk
1 small glass of water with ice
1 napkin
1 spoon

I put it all together, carried it all to the table. She ate it while sitting at the table with the napkin tucked in her "duster/moomoo thing" using it as a bib.

Dinner Me: Son took me out for belated birthday dinner.

Dinner Her: Spaghetti dinner that I made just for her (hubby had some too) because everyone else had other plans.

Layout for her dinner:

French bread
spoon (for twirling)
knife (for cutting before twirling)
fork (for shoveling it in)
water with ice
cup of hot tea
napkin to tuck into shift/moomoo thing to use as a bib
glass of iced diet coke to chase down the hot tea (I dunno, does this make any sense?)
parmesan cheese
butter for noodles

I told her I have never seen anyone that needs so much stuff just to sit down and eat a meal. I laughed because last night when she started with her list of things she needed to eat leftover steak and potatoes, my daughter said, "Every man for himself". She is a little smarty pants that one.

I think I have figured out my problem when it comes to coping with this woman. See...I am a midwestern girl first and a southern gal second. I am laid back and take things as they come. I do not like a lot of fuss. Everyone that lives in my house is that way. We just flow. We are all pretty quiet and keep to ourselves while subconsciencly working as a team. We do not even think about it. We just do it. We also come together when we need to and defend each other fiercely. There is no I in team. Her team is full of I's, obviously, not part of the team. I am trying people. I really am.

Work went well today. They had a big breakfast spread and birthday cake for me this morning. I was really surprised and did not expect that. What a great group of people. They even sang Happy Birthday to me! This is one of those places where I feel I fit in and feel that I have been there forever although I have only been there for a week and a half. It feels great to have found something this wonderful. When people come in to apply on open positions, now that I know the process, I feel very fortunate to have been chosen for this position. I am not quite sure how I did it, but I am grateful for it. I work hard and stay busy, but I do not come home completely wiped out. Next week may be a different story because the girl that has been training me is on vacation next week and I may be pulling my hair out before it is all said and done. Ask me next Friday I may not be so full of sugary stories then.

Well, it's late and I need to get up early and hit the gym. I haven't been in about a week, and I do not need to let that go. I got up and ran at 6 am this morning. I am going to have to get motivated and get back to that.

Oh yeah, and be looking for changes around here. I am excited.

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