Saturday, July 23, 2005

I don't consent either

One of the new blogs I have been reading had the most excellent post. He was stating how some of the people in New York (mostly hippies he says) do not want their bags or persons searched before boarding a subway, which as we know could be a possible (and likely) terrorist target. I guess they are feeling all violated and stuff. Anyways, he has come up with some cool products that state how he feels (and how I feel too). Simply stated the products say:

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To you at unapplied I say, Rock On!

Also, I want to tell my friend Gawain thanks. You are awesome. I miss talking to you online. We have had some of the best debates and arguments(and laughs too). We agree to disagree. You rock! Now you know how to keep in touch.

1 comment:

Skillzy said...

Thank you for the link! And you can call my place hard times, the unapplied thing is a long, sad, boring story.

P.S. - A GMail invite is headed your way. I've got tons of them.