Monday, July 25, 2005

Hot, Hot, Hot

I love my husband so much. It is almost 100 degrees outside and he is out there mowing away. Okay, well, he is on a riding mower. Oh, and he has a nice cold beer in the little beer holder thingy so he is not exactly suffering. My daughter asked me today if she could do an experiment and put a skillet outside and fry an egg in it. Tomorrow might be better since the heat index is suppose to be 110-115 degrees. This heat is just miserable.

Work is still going well. I get my first paycheck this week!!! YAY me!!! I have been working since the 6th and I finally have my two weeks saved up, and now it's time to cash out! Whooohoo! What will my first paycheck be for? Well...lessee....daughter's school fees and my car payment. I wish I could be totally frivilous, but no. Too much going on. We did however have a nice birthday party today. Where I use to work, we all went to lunch and celebrated all birthdays for that month, and don't get me wrong, that was nice. Where I am now, they believe that your birthday is your day not to be shared, so you get your very own birthday day. I have been there three weeks and we have had three big birthday parties. I like it. Especially since one of them was mine.

I am going to like it there.

I will be taking a day off to take my son in for surgery on Friday. He is having his wisdom teeth taken out. Of course they are all impacted, so it's gonna be a bad one. They are totally knocking him out, which is scary in itself. Should make for some interesting blog material though. Especially since he will be so drugged up. Gosh, I have so much to do, I need to get off this thing.

Have a great night!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Did the frying pan experiment work??