Friday, July 29, 2005

TGI...something or another

Today is Friday already? Jeez. It's been a busy week. This morning I took my son in for oral surgery. It was not fun let me tell you! First of all, when he got up he was already SUPER grumpy. It's no fun hauling a grumpy teenager somewhere when they know there is much more pain coming. We get there, and little did I know, our appointment was at 8:30 and I thought it was at 8:00. That didn't help Mr. Grumpy's attitude one bit. He missed out on 30 minutes more of sleep. *grumble* When it came time for them to take him back, he put on the brave face although I could tell he was nervous. I sat there for what seemed to be forever, and finally they called me back. I will tell you, you have not lived until you have seen your 18 year old, muscular, tough son, sitting in a wheel chair with his mouth hanging open, drooling blood down the front of his shirt. Mommy was not happy. I got all teary looking at him sitting there all drugged up and unable to mutter a word that I could understand. Just sad I tell ya. They do have him on some very potent drugs and he has pretty much been in a coma like state most of the day. I am so glad things went well and he is safe at home. You know how we mommies worry when our children are hurting.

Gotta go drug him back up.

1 comment:

Debra@Peaceabull said...

That sounds quite a bit like how I was when I had mine pulled. It's probably why my dad took me.