Thursday, August 04, 2005

When I was....

I stole this from Lasadh -

10 years ago: We were getting ready to move from out old house into this house. Although we had found this house while it was being built, we took the bold step of buying it before we sold our old house. That was a scary time. My daughter was almost 3. My oldest son was 10 and my younger son was 8. I miss those days!

5 years ago: Gosh, I don't know what the heck I was doing 5 years ago...isn't that sad?

1 year ago: I was working at a place I was trying to get out of.

Yesturday: I worked hard (it was realllllly busy) and called my Sports Doc because my knee is hurting again. I was mad because they don't return calls that were made after 1:00 pm. I called at 1:02 pm.

Today: Doctor's assistant called me at 7:30 am as I was driving to work. YAY! I got some new drugs to replace the evil Bextra. Took son to pay his tuition for his first semester of college. Ummmm...ouch! Oh, and his Psychology book will be 93.50 plus tax. I think it is a joke that most all of the classes he is taking this semester, require new textbooks, so - no used books. BOOO!!!!

Tomorrow: I took the day off because we were going to go out of town, which got put off until Saturday, so tomorrow I plan to sleep in late. I could go to work, but they are already not expecting me. I plan to sleep, catch up on laundry and stuff like that.

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Sounds like you could use the break! Hope it is a great weekend for you:-)