Friday, August 05, 2005

I am off today!

Wow..this feels really good. You would never know someone would be so excited to have a day off from their "supposedly" "part-time" job. I was looking forward to next week when I was "suppose" to have Tuesday and Thursday off for the first time since starting my "part-time" job, when they scheduled me for computer training on Tuesday and Thursday, so I am not getting that either. Aren't I so fortunate to get a job at a University who is changing their WHOLE computer system over and going live Oct. 1??? I mean, the whole University is changing their WHOLE computer system. I think it is a joke that I am "part-time". So far, "part-time" has meant I go in at 8:15, eat a sandwich at my desk for lunch, and leave somewhere around 3 or 3:30 - EVERY SINGLE DAY. I am sorry if I sound so sarcastic. I just want my dang part-time! The only thing that keeps me going is the fact that I will get the whole Christmas holiday period off...just like a student! Also, I am working my way towards one of these

I must have one. My first one was a 1967. I want one bad.

Okay, well, anyways...I am off today. I thought I was taking my daughter and her friends on a shopping extravaganza today, but since two of my daughters good friends are cheerleaders, they had a surprise practice called today and they can't go for fear of demerits and lots of running. One of her friends said she would be happy to run it off, but the other was absolutely horrified at the thought of getting a demerit (she is a good girl), so tomorrow will be our big shoppping trip.

So, how do I plan to spend my big day off? Well...I slept until 10:00 this morning which felt really really good. I have laundry going. I made a big ole pot of Mudslide flavored coffee from my latest order of coffee from CoffeeAM. I am getting ready to make a huge bowl of my favorite cereal, Cocoa Pebbles. I have my checkbook laid out, getting ready to pay my stack of bills. I plan to vaccum, distribute folded clothes to each and every occupants rooms for them to put away. I am debating going to get a pedicure. Oh, and daughter has a hair cut appointment later. So yes, my day is full. Hubby was going to take time off today, but he is conducting interviews today for a new engineer to help in his department. I really have a lot to do, but meanwhile, I am going to enjoy my morning off. No phones ringing constantly, no one giving me a pity story as to why they need a job, no stupid questions.

I am in heaven!


Anonymous said...

Enjoy! And get the pedicure for sure!

Bob Tyndall said...


I hope you have a great day. I haven't tried the mudslide coffee yet. How is it. Are you a coffeeAM affiliate? Drop by and say hello.