Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Well..the car situation is finally over. I traded in my Jeep. I am a little sad because it was sooooo pretty, but it was time. I got a very nice car. Not new, but newer (new to me). I got a beautiful 2004 BMW 325i. Very nice. It drives like an absolute dream, the gas mileage is MUCH better, and the warranty is absolutely awesome. All I have to worry about for a few years is new tires and gas. AHHHHH. I am pretty excited since we have been driving everything under the sun trying to decide which/what to do. I will have to post more later because my dinner is ready. Just had to get this off my chest. HA!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

See, the Mustang wasn't as great as the fantasy (how often does that happen?). So when are you taking me for a ride?