Saturday, August 27, 2005

10 Things

I snagged this from Drama Queen Confessions - I hope she doesn't mind. I was gonna steal something from Confessions of the Overdressed, but, I don't think I can come up with 100 reasons as to why I love shoes. I do love shoes, but with 3 kids, I can't justify having a love for them like she does over there. Maybe one day. *sigh*

10 things I love about my city:

1. We lived here when I was a small girl for a while back when it was nothing but cotton fields. Back when you could walk to the general store and get a big bag of candy for 50 cents (no, I am not THAT old!). It was so small here that people now are actually shocked when you tell them you lived here in kindergarten and first grade. Everyone else are transplants.

2. We have the best mexican restaurant in the world here.

3. Our downtown area looks so much like it did when I was little and I was in a parade the length of the whole downtown area which is only like 2 blocks long.

4. We still have that small town spirit.

5. We are only one hour away from Nashville (north) and one hour away from Birmingham (south).

6. We can get to the beach in 6.5 hours!

7. We have one high school and LOTS of school spirit!

8. Our city boasts some of the highest education scores in the south.

9. They are putting in lots and lots of sidewalks which means you can walk to almost anywhere you want to go.

10. We live right between two larger cities, but still far enough away we do not hear any traffic.

Wow...refreshing. I really do love it here!

1 comment:

Gregg said...

D- "Our city boasts some of the highest education scores in the south." Yikes!! As a northern yankee, I am trying really hard not to give a quip answer to this one. -Gregg