Thursday, October 27, 2005

Good Times Yo

Oh yeah...good times. Today was fun. Today was my off day. I love, love, love my off days. Not that I don't like work, but it sure is a lot better to not get out with the morning traffic crazies. It's so much better to have days like this. Today I got up and made a nice breakfast for everyone before they headed out. My hubby took the day off so he could hang out with me all day. We got my daughter and her friend out the door and I had all these fabulous plans of getting lots of things done around the house early before we headed out to run errands. What did I do instead? I laid down on the couch and feel asleep for two glorious hours! *sigh* I love days like this. Hubby came over and started making noises probably to wake me up. Finally, I did wake up (*grumble*) and got up and got ready to head out to run errands. We started off with a nice lunch at a local Italian restaurant (not a chain). It was delish. Then off we went to knock out our list of errands (anal hubby actually makes a list). Next, we headed to the mall so I could use my $10.00 off Bath and Body Works coupon. Instead of the my normal Cucumber Melon scent, I went absolutely and totally crazy and picked up some Brown Sugar/Fig Body Wash and Body spray. Have you smelt this stuff yet? It smells just like Fall. Hubby wanted some pumpkin hand soap to use at Halloween and Thanksgiving. After that, we headed accross town to Wild Birds Unlimited - the ONLY place to get stuff for your wildlife. We got some thistle and safflower to help get our feathered friends through the hard times this winter. Hubby will use that along with leftover bacon grease to make homemade suet. He is the Marth Stewart of our family, let me tell you. After that, the rest of the afternoon was filled with boring things like picking up contacts and stuff like that. Never in my life would I have thought going to Wild Birds Unlimited was exciting. It's amazing how things change when you get older. No wonder my kids say we are boring.

Oh well..we did do something really fun later though. We went to our local hometown highschool Homecoming Parade. We have done this for many years, but this was the largest one I have ever seen. This parade is one of those real hometowny things you see in the movies. They close down the major street that runs right down the middle of town (and believe me, this pisses many people off). We get to see the local highschool band, all the local community leaders, the homecoming court, the cheerleaders, football players, get the idea. They throw lots of candy and much fun is had by all. Our daughter started out standing with us, then spotted a group of her friends and asked if she could go over with them. For the first time at the homecoming parade, hubby and I were on our own. I felt a little sad about that. I feel my baby slipping away. I can remember when all of us would go and the boys would push each other out of the way to get to the best candy before a float would run over it. I remember the boys riding in the parade with their boyscout troops while I stood on the side with daughter in a stroller. I remember my daughter dressed in her cheerleading uniform riding in the back of a truck with the pop warner football players and cheerleaders throwing candy to all of her friends. I remember riding with her because I was a cheer coach back then. One day soon she will be marching in the parade with the band. I am not sure that she will ever stand with us again at another homecoming parade. *sigh* Afterwards, we went out to eat and then caught the tail end of the big bon-fire/peprally. Good times I tell ya.

Now for the big letdown.

Work tomorrow.


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