Tuesday, October 18, 2005

5 Questions

From MommaK

I’ll ask 5, you answer. Then you ask 5 and I’ll answer. Get it?

Here we go…
1. Would you use your online messenger to spy on an ex? No, I really don't care what he is doing now...it's been too many years and he put on like 60 pounds since we split...so no. If I knew what he was doing now it might gross me out.
2. Would you wear a Hawaiian shirt to a dinner party in which you had to r.s.v.p. and choose your entree (chicken or steak)? Hmm...this one is a hard one because sometimes I like nonconformity. But no. And I would choose steak.
3. Will you have a glass of wine with dinner and then drive home? What is your limit? I might would drink one glass if I had dinner also. If I drank it on an empty stomach I would not drive. I am a little paranoid of drinking and driving at all.
4. Can you change a tire? Yes. It's been a long time, but I could if I had to.
5. What is the worst prank you pulled in high school? TP a house? (We used to do that. Our trademark was one of these on the front door. ) Oh gosh. I was such a wild child in high school. We did actually egg someones house and cars. I can't believe I did that. We should have stuck with just toilet paper, but this was someone that really did something bad to us and me and my best friend.

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