Saturday, November 26, 2005

Zach are my hero!

Okay, I was perusing through the little list of blogs I frequent tonight since I had a few minutes and I was taking a break from decorating one of the THREE trees we are putting up this year (argh...the work!), and I was noticing the amount of comments people get. I mean, I might get one or two here and there and it does not hurt my feelings because I really don't visit and comment many blogs unless I am a regular reader or they say something very funny or something I can totally relate too and I understand that you sorta have to fish around for comments (no, I did not say compliments) and I really don't do that, I am more of a lurker. So, as I was going down through my bookmarked blogs, I happened upon one I have not read in awhile. Now, I am always impressed when someone can get more than 10 comments, and occasionally, someone spectacular will get over 50 or something like that, but this is totally rediculous. I thought about commenting on THIS blog, but what's the use, I am sure he does not read them all. Jeez, if I can't even find the time to comment on blogs that I really love, how the heck would this guy find time to read all those comments. No telling how many blogs there are like that out there, I just don't have time to look for them. I suck!

Zach are my hero!

1 comment:

Gregg said...

You don't suck!! Just cuz you don't get comments doesn't mean you don't have readers ;-)