Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Humpity Dumpity Day

Well..this week got off to a fine start. Got up Monday morning and took my daughter and her friend to an early church thingy, and when I was pulling out of the driveway, I noticed my son had a flat tire. Grrrr!!! Anyways, come back home and notice that not only is one tire flat, they were all flat. Being an avid watcher of CSI (because my husband makes me), I started putting two and two together and came up with the excellent analysis that the tires had all been slashed. Not only did they get all four of his tires, they got my older son's car too, with two of its tires being slashed. REAL GRRRRING. While I was outside Grrring, various neighbors started coming up and saying their tires had been slashed also. The whole street as well as the next street over, we all got it. Great. Fabulous. This morning began with a flat bed wrecker coming to haul my son's car off to the local tire store for a whole set of new tires (keep in mind we just put new tires on his car 2 months ago). Double fabulous. Okay, we do not live anywhere near a ghetto. We live in a very nice upper middle class neighborhood, directly behind a very upper class neighborhood. I don't get it. Thankfully insurance will cover this, but it has not been fun. The inconvience has been a pain in the butt.

We live in a nice fast growing little city. Most of the people here are highly educated engineers and business people. The cops here are mostly idiots. Yesturday while hubby was looking to see where the tires were slashed, we found a knife laying in the leaves beside my oldest son's car. Keep in mind he has been gone for almost a year. We call the cops to come and get the evidence (just like on CSI!!!). Barney Fife and his deputy showed up (just like on Andy Griffith!!). I don't want to go into details here, but it didn't give me a warm, fuzzy feeling that they know what the heck they are doing. They didn't even know the whole neighborhood had their tires slashed. Very comforting the communcation amongst our small town police officers huh? So, this is my day off. When I should be mopping floors and getting laundry done, I am running around like a crazy woman trying to take care of this car so my son can get around. I haven't even started on the other car.


Call in the Super Heroes please.


Gregg said...

Yikes!! Nothing like that has happened here and I live in the center of the city. I'll think twice about moving to a high crime neighborhood like yours :-)


caseyoconnell said...

Oh my god, I'd be so furious. I really hope they catch whoever the jerk is.