Sunday, January 29, 2006

Stuff, Grrr's, etc.

It's been a little while since I posted so I guess I will get you guys up to speed as to what has been going on lately (ummm the 3 of you that read this). I sent a resume for what would have probably been an awesome job. I emailed my resume Wednesday morning at around 9:30 and by 11:00 I got a phone call for an interview. After much soul searching, I canceled the interview. A friend of mine told me about this position that was open at a very respectable place. It paid much more money than I make now, however, the hours would be not so good (family wise). It was so tempting but it would have required that I move my whole life around (as well as everyone in the household). My daughter would have become one of those kids that is always waiting for someone to pick her up, and I just could not do that to her. My husband already works 50 hours a week, and this would have meant that two of us would have been doing it. Maybe when she starts driving herself, I don't know, I just still feel at the age of 13 that she still needs much guidance. I know I am doing the right thing. Besides, I am very happy at my university job, so why mess with a good thing?

We have been painting some around the house and trying to get some stuff organized around here. It is amazing how much clutter can build up over time. I have been digging through papers and trying to get all of our tax stuff put together so that we can do it quickly and maybe this year, not have to PAY! Grrr on that one.

Speaking of Grrrr's, here is my list of things that make me go Grrrrr:

Mean people (Grrrr)
People that drive either slow in the left lane or the same speed as people in the right lane (Grrrrr)
People that sit right in front of me at the movie theater when all the rest of the seats are empty (Grrrr)
Young girls that dress and act like sluts (Grrrrrr - where are their parents?)
Having spring/summer like weather in January when I really want snow! (Grrrrr)
Standing in line forever at the grocery store in a lane where there are no magazines to look at (Grrrrrr)
Kids that do not tell you thank you for your generosity (Grrrrrr - again, where are the parents?)
Redneck boys that follow your daughter and her friends around at the mall and whistle and say things to make them feel uncomfortable (Grrrrr)
Desperate Housewives being a rerun when you are all ready for some new trash (Grrrrr)
Knowing that your week is practically full before it gets started (Grrrrr)

What are your Grrrrr's?

Oh yeah, new secrets here!

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