Wednesday, February 01, 2006

I ain't sayin she's a Gold Digger

I. cannot. get. that. song. out. of. my. head. You would think by now it would have been replaced by something with more class, but no.

Nothing much going on lately we continue to have freakishly warm weather. I just want a little snow is that too much to ask? Obviously it is. Work is going good. It's been very busy for some reason, not sure why. This should be our slow time since a new semester already started, but I guess people have nothing else better to do than to look for a job at a University or something. Tomorrow is my day off - hurray! Hubby and I have planned a big day since he is taking off too. First on our agenda will be to figure out why the friggin dryer went out last night. It turns on, it flips the clothes around playfully and mockingly, but it doesn't dry a dang thing. *sigh* After that we plan to take a trip to the orthodontist and look at the mold of my sweet daughter's teeth and sit patiently while we are told what needs to be done and how much we should mortgage the house for to pay for the whole thing. *more sighing* I know things get better. Don't they? On a happier note. My younger son finally landed himself a job. It's not one he will keep forever, but since he is a student, he really only needs part-time. This place will work around his school schedule and he will have a little extra pocket money, so this is good. Also good is my oldest son will be here next Tuesday morning for a whole week. Can't wait.

Did I work out today?


1 comment:

Gregg said...

I hate dryers. They are sooo finicky. It's either the igniter or one of the sensors. We had 3 to 4 inches of snow/rain slop here. I would be happy to send it you way ;-)