Saturday, February 18, 2006

Just where did I put my.....

Self? Where have I been you ask? Well, just busy with work, home, and more teenage drama complete with my daughter having to turn a friend in for threatening to do some horrible things. It has not been that fun a week here at the Ok house. Acutally, everything has not been Ok. I just wonder why when you have such a good, sweet child that truly cares for others, why does she get herself tangled in such stuff? I think I have come the the conclusion that since she is a good, sweet and caring child, she may just care too much. You know how that is? When someone is having problems and you try to help them and they drag you right into their mess? That's what has been going on here and frankly I am tired of it. I hate that I even have to consider telling her to harden her heart and not try to be everyone's friend when obviously, they make it hard to be their friend. Isn't that sad?

Why does she have to harden her heart?

Oh yeah, and it's sleeting outside. I want snow!

1 comment:

Redoubt said...

The teenager years are as tough on the parents as the teenager. I used to be one (believe it or not) and have some pretty vivid memories of the trouble I both was to others, and got from others. The evolving emotional and physical traits of maturity were quite a distraction when combined with peer pressure, schooling and home life.

Later, I tried to apply my personal experiences into raising my own younguns but like me at that age, they would have nothing of it. I was no longer young enough to know everything so my words and warnings went unheeded. And yes, they finally learned the same lessons I did and in the same painful ways.

Sooner or later, it will be their turn and their kids that must stumble, cry and pick themselves up.

It’s both glorious and an unmitigated disaster.

Best of luck to both of you!
