Thursday, January 05, 2006

Thursday's Child

Wow...can't believe January is moving along so fast. My sailor son will get to come home for his birthday next month, so I will be arranging his plane ticket today. I am happy he will be home because not only will it be his 21st birthday, it will also be my husband's birthday so we can celebrate like a family should, together. Other than that, not much going on. Yesturday was my first day back at work and with more than 2 weeks off, it was really hard to go back. To make matters worse, it was very busy. I was not very motivated I am afraid. A new semester starts next week and of course all the new professors and student assistants are coming in to get their paperwork done so they can get paid. I can't believe they actually want to get paid! Meanwhile, back at home, we have started taking Christmas decorations down. It't time. It's actually past time, but hubby has this thing about leaving stuff up until the Ephiphany. Actually it's not too bad because you don't have to start rushing the decorations down that took you forever to put up, but it's a little embarrasing to be the last ones with all your Christmas stuff up in the neighborhood. Then again, I live in the south and most real rednecks just leave their Christmas lights up all year. I guess I need to stop feeling so anal about everything.

Oh well, I have errands to run and kids to take to a movie.

Have a great day!

1 comment:

Gregg said...

Well, the Russian orthodox Christmas doesn't start until January 7th, so you have at least a week or so until you get labeled as a redneck :-)

By the way, the blog looks great.