Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Twice in one day. Wow..I must have just absolutely lost it or something. Well, it's like this; I watched the girls on "The View" earlier, and I am just more than a little pissed. Okay...Star Jones and the girls were interviewing a "plus-sized" model. Okay, first of all, when did a size 10 become a plus size?? Someone tell me this. That is an insult to normal looking women (especially me since I range from an size 8 to a 10, which means some weeks I am model thin, others I am "plus-sized" - slap me please!) That was my first piss off. The second one was when Star Jones had the nerve (oh yeah, she had nerve alright) to tell this "plus-sized" model that she loved her body and wished she had her curves. Okay Star, then why the hell did you spend all that money to end up looking like the big headed, bug eyed, skinny alien you are today? I mean....have you looked at Star lately? She is absolutely scary as hell. She had nerve saying that. I hope more women than me are annoyed by her.

End of Rant.

Back to cleaning house.

Playlist for cleaning house:

Madonna: Beautiful Stranger
Modest Mouse: Doin the Cockroach
Black Eyed Peas: My Humps (Hate the words, love the beat)
The Beatles: Hey Jude (I miss you John Lennnon!)
Foghat: Slow Ride
The Knack: My Sharona
Metallica: Turn the Page
Red Hot Chili Peppers: Rollercoaster
David Bowie and Queen: Under Pressure
Stevie Wonder: Sir Duke
Kanye West: Gold Digger
Aerosmith: Dream On
Missy Elliot: Music Makes You Lose Control
Talking Heads: Burning Down the House (so 80's)
Spice Girls: Wannabe (ala Whit!)
Elvis Costello: Everyday I Write the Book

What do you listen to when you are cleaning?


Gregg said...

Who the hell is Starr Jones and why does she think that size 10 is a plus size? (How's that? Remember, men can't figure out that secret size code!!).

Cleaning music? Probably some jazz. :-)

Kalisa said...

god I hate that show.


Wow...your song list sounds like it could be mine! Love the eclectic selection! As for Star...she's an idiot! Too many women are looking WAY to thin these days. I've always (since I was much younger man) liked 'em with curves!

Take care!