Thursday, September 15, 2005

The Post where I explain where I have been

Well....I am not sure where I have been. I have been in a funk I guess. We had some drama this weekend. My daughter had her first experience with some mean (and I am talking skanky, nasty) girls. So far her little life has involved nothing but love and acceptance. Unfortunately, I guess there comes a time where you realize not everyone is going to like you. These skanky girls don't like her just because everyone else does. Let me tell you, it's been bad. Oh, and you just know it would involve a boy too. She has been friends with this boy for years and now one of these skanky girls likes him (they are like 12). Evidently skank girl puts out (she is easy..and that's really sad because she is so young), and therefore, boy likes girl that puts out over nice girl that does not. You see where I am going with this? Well...nice girl got told to f**k off by skank girl among other things (I am not sure I can go into all of it, even I don't talk like that). Anyways, it's been hard on my girl who has led a nice comfy love filled life. I will go into more detail later. All I know is this...raising a girl is going to be full of drama.


1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Oh my gosh. That breaks my heart. I can remember those drama days but for us they did not start until high school. I hope things have calmed down a bit. Take care honey!!