Tuesday, June 14, 2005


I got off my lazy butt this morning and went to the gym at 6:30 am. I am getting a little tired of sleeping late everyday and I know that when and if I do go back to work, I won't be able to snooze in all the time, so, I gotta get up and moving. I worked out for an hour and a half this morning because at that hour there are not many people at the gym so I didn't have to wait on anything which was nice.

Sometime this week I have an interview at a place that I will reveal later. This is the place the temp agency called me about last week. I just found out yesturday where it was, and I was pretty surprised. First, I was surprised where it was because I already knew what the hourly rate was, and being where this is, I was even more surprised. Dang...that's vague isn't it? Well, anyways, when my rep called me yesturday to tell me where it was, I sort of sat here with my mouth hanging open, because I have never thought about working somewhere like this, and although it sounds pretty interesting, I will be able to say more after the interview. Let me just put it like this. It is a BEAUTIFUL place. I dunno....I am excited about the job itself because it sounds interesting, and it's more like a PR job than an admin job although there are some admin aspects to it. Oh well..more on that as it develops. The hours are awesome though and I only want to work part time and this will fit right into what I am looking for, and with decent pay too.

Otherwise, it has been so hot and humid around here it has been absolutely miserable. UGH! I haven't even been trying to style my hair in anyway since as soon as I walk out the door, it just frizzes right up regardless of which expensive stying product I use on it. Frustrating is what it is.

Sigh....I hear the dryer buzzer.

Type at ya later.

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